Watching Barong Dance at Batubulan Bali

barong dance  Bali

Tourist attractions in Indonesia bali Barong

Visit indonesia- tourist attractions in Indonesia bali Barong dance is one of Balinese dance is peningalan Hindu culture. The word comes from the word bahruang barong which means the animal bear, an animal is a mythology that has magic powers, considered the protector of animals.

In some places in Bali there is Barong Landung also equipped with other types of barong Landung like Mantri, Baluh, Limbur and others. In the Barong Landung pementasannya took the play as drama Arja (especially in Badung Regional) and accompanied by gambelan Batel.

Barong Dance Bali

The best place to watch the Barong dance in Batubulan and Kuta. Barong dance at the beginning at 09.00 am. Ticket prices range from 80-100 thousand IDR / person

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